Even if you are a PAYE / PRSI employee and not obliged to file an income tax return it may still be worth filing income tax returns for the last 4 years to see if you are entitled to an income tax refund.  The average individual can be due an income tax refund in respect of a particular income tax year for a variety of reasons including:

  • Year of marriage relief.
  • Excessive PAYE / PRSI paid in an income tax year prior to leaving an employment (e.g. a redundancy situation) or going on maternity leave.
  • Leaving an employment during the income tax year due to redundancy or otherwise.
  • Inefficient use of the standard rate cut off points available to married couples.
  • Failure to claim all income tax reliefs and tax credits due.


The standard charge for filing a Form 12 is €250 plus VAT. Clarus Taxation can guarantee that the income tax refund process will be convenient and straightforward.

Clarus Taxation provides high quality taxation & accounting services
to individuals and small companies.

If you wish to discuss your specific needs please contact us on 087 8363552 or email us.